MBusinessName: Adventist Health White Memorial
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MCity: Los Angeles
MState: CA 90033
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14932746 p14886201

Podiatry Residents

3rd Year Residents

DINKCHIANAlex Dinkchian, DPM

Birthplace: Glendale, CA
Podiatric medical school: California School of Podiatric Medicine at Samuel Merritt University, Oakland, CA.
Education: University of California, Riverside, BS, Microbiology.
Hobbies: Fishing, traveling, swimming, snowboarding, model building, spending time with family.
Language(s) spoken: English and Armenian.
Personal accomplishments: Published multiple articles in scientific journals. Participated in an episode of family feud with my family. Got married and started a family.

SHIBATAEmily Shibata, DPM

Birthplace: Fountain Valley, CA
Podiatric medical school: Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA.
Education: University of California, Irvine, BS in Public Health.
Hobbies: hiking, painting, and cooking.
Language(s) spoken: English
Personal accomplishments: I was on the UCI Women’s Rowing team. Founding member of the American Association for Women Podiatrist (AAWP) student chapter at Western University. Becoming a member of the Pi Delta Podiatry National Honor Society.

2nd Year Residents

Armin DadkhahArmin Dadkhah, DPM

Birthplace: Huntsville, AL
Podiatric medical school: Dr. William M. Scholl College at Rosalind Franklin University, North Chicago, IL
Education: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, BS in Biology
Hobbies: Soccer, musical festivals and traveling.
Language(s) spoken: English and Farsi
Personal accomplishments: First physician in my family. Embarked on a research exposition to Bamako, Mali. Became a member of the Pi Delta Podiatric National Honor Society.

Salem LebadaSalem Lebada, DPM

Birthplace: Fullerton, CA
Podiatric medical school: Western University of Health Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Pomona, CA
Education: University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, BA in Neuroscience.
Hobbies: Basketball, football, snowboarding, cornhole, yoga, traveling and gaming.
Language(s) spoken: English, Arabic and conversational Spanish.
Personal accomplishments: Member of the Lambda chapter of Pi Delta National Podiatric Honor Society. Two-time intramural champion, Fortnite Victory Royales.

1st Year Residents

Andrew Dale BaumAndrew Dale Baum, DPM

Birthplace: La Grande, Oregon
Medical School: Arizona College of Podiatric Medicine
Education: Brigham Young University
Hobbies: Reading, rafting, trail running, eating tacos and cheeseburgers, playing guitar and family genealogy.
Personal Accomplishments: Ran 100 trail miles, worked as white-water river guide for 6 seasons, married 6 years with 2 children.

Alexander KramerAlexander Kramer, DPM

Birthplace: Dallas, TX
Podiatric Medical school: Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA
Education: The University of Texas at Austin, BA in History, Minor in Hebrew
Hobbies: Gaming, watching horror movies and the Real Housewives, reading, and occasionally knitting.
Language(s) spoken: English and conversational Hebrew.
Personal Accomplishments: Being a member of the first group of DPM students to both pass and excel on the USMLE equivalent exam. Elected president of WesternU’s interprofessional LGBTQIA+ association. Chosen as WesternU CPM’s 2022 Student of the Year national candidate.